
Pure Flux and Redux were implemented by many actions and reducers with switch statements. Sometimes it can make huge modules and unmaintainable codes. So Reduxible provides some utility functions to make actions and reducers simple. But the application can be slow with the functions. Because createReducer builds a dictionary of reducers at the initializing time for the runtime performance. If you want the best performance all the time, then building actions and reducers with the standard Redux pattern can be a better choice.


Actions and Reducers can have M: N relationship. So they should be decoupled for the scalability. For details, please read reference of the Redux before using the functions.

Reduxible provides some utility functions to make redux actions and reducer simpler. You can define actions and reducers referring to below.

const actions = {
  ADD_TODO: (todo) => {
    return {
      payload: {
      helper: true
  REMOVE_TODO: (index) => {
    return {
      payload: {
      helper: true

const reducers = [
    types: ['ADD_TODO'],
    reduce: (payload, state) => {
      const { todo } = payload;
      const todos = [...state.todos, todo];
      return {
    types: ['REMOVE_TODO'],
    reduce: (payload, state) => {
      const { index } = payload;
      const todos = [...state.todos];
      if (index > -1) {
        todos.splice(index, 1);
      return {

You don't need to duplicate the type declaration in action creator. These Utility functions will cover repetitive tasks and call action names.

createAction([namespace: string], actions: object)

This function returns an reduxible action object. The reduxible action returns actionCreator and action type. You can define actions by simple way without namespace, or also can use namespace for more complicated states.

Without Namespace

const action = createAction({
    "SET_TODO" : todo => ({ payload: { todo } })

action('SET_TODO'); // returns `todo => ({ payload: { todo } })`
action.type('SET_TODO'); // returns 'SET_TODO'. So you can also use a string literal 'SET_TODO' directly to call action type.

With Namespace

const action = createAction('todo', {
    "SET_TODO" : todo => ({ payload: { todo } })

action('SET_TODO'); // returns `todo => ({ payload: { todo } })`
action.type('SET_TODO'); // returns 'todo/SET_TODO'

createReducer(initialState: object, reducers: array)

This returns a redux reducer by actions.

combineRouteReducer(reducers: object)

Combine reducers with routeReducer of redux-simple-router. This can be used instead of combineReducers of redux.


The providerMiddleware provides providers that similar with providers of Angular.js. A providerMiddleware injects providers that returns new or cached objects to action. To use providers, you can make providers by extends abstract class Provider and initialize providerMiddleware with them. For implement Provider class, child class must have below two properties.

  • name: A name of the provider. You can call provided object by this name in actions.
  • $get: A method that returns provided object. This can return anything you want. Static variables, new instance, utility functions, singleton object...etc. $get will receive context by argument from contextMiddleware. If you use this middleware, you may not use other middlewares. But providerMiddleware could solve many requirements at once by angular like way.

class HttpProvider extends Provider {
    static DEFAULT_CLIENT = new HttpClient();
    name = '$http'
    $get({ req }) {
        if (req) {
           return DEFAULT_CLIENT; 
        return new HttpClient(req);

const middlewares = [providerMiddleware([HttpProvider])];

const reduxible = new Reduxible({

//Get providers in action as thunk.
const action = createAction('todo', {
    GET_TODO: () => ({
        thunk: async(dispatch, getState, { $http }) => {
          const { data: todos } = await $http.get('/todos');
          return dispatch(action('UPDATE_TODOS')(todos));
    UPDATE_TODOS: todos => ({ payload: { todos } })

//Also can get providers in reducer.
const reducer = createReducer(initialState, [
    types: [ action.type('UPDATE_TODOS') ],
    reduce: ({ payload: { todos }, providers: { $http } }, state) => ({ ...state, todos })